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"22 Reasons Why You Should Be Consuming Natural Home Cures Mangosteen"

(1) Boost Your Energy
(2) Reduce & Diminish Pain
(3) Loose Weight
(4) Fight Heart Disease
(5) Fight Free Radicals
Fight Chron's Disease

Fight Hypertension
(8) Improve Digestion/Stomache
(9) Improve Urinary Tract
Improve Oral Hygiene
(11) Ease Asthma
Fight Diabetes
(13) Improve Mental Awareness
(14) Fight Cancer
(15) Fight Allergies
(16) Fight Infections
(17) Fight Depression
Improve Skin Health
Improve Eye Health
(20) Lower Cholesterol
(21) Prevent Kidney Stones
Fight, Shorten Viral Infections
(Click a link above to go to that specific reason, then scroll back to the top to return here.)

One of the newest, hottest topics in health food supplements today is mangosteen! 

The whole fruit of a mangosteen contains its primary nutrient compound, xanthones: naturally occurring, high-potency antioxidants found primarily in the peel/hull of the fruit. 

Mangosteen has been revered for centuries as Asia's "Queen of Fruits". Of course, you don't need to take our word for it.

Here is "The Top 22 Healing Secrets Revealed List" and testimonials of those who have consumed Natural Home Cures' Mangosteen.

1. BOOST YOUR ENERGY    Click here for the testimonials
There's nothing better than feeling refreshed and energized all day long. Many people have the misconception that being tired at the end of the day is a natural, normal part of life—it's not! Mangosteen's potent nutrients will have you feeling and looking more refreshed and youthful throughout your day.
If you want something that predictably and reliably provides a safe boost of energy, Mangosteen is the product for you.

REDUCE & DIMINISH PAIN - FIGHT INFLAMMATION    Click here for the testimonials
Xanthones are one of nature's most potent weapons in the war against pain. These miracle compounds are super-charged anti-inflammatories that work to keep your body in shape and healthy, the way nature intended!

Chronic low-level inflammation can lead to
Type II diabetes, cancer, arthritis, alzheimer's disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, and heart disease  to name just a few!

As an added bonus, xanthones also alleviate the pain associated with inflammation without resorting to harsh pharmaceuticals.

Click here for the testimonials
Do You Shy Away From Handsome People Who Flaunt Their Fat-Free Muscular Bodies?
Do You Find It Embarrassing To Shed Your Clothes At The Swimming Pool?

Frustrated With The Way You Look In The Mirror?

Studies show that being overweight plays a major role in health risks such as heart disease, respiratory problems, and hormonal imbalances.

Over 66% of Americans age 20 and over are overweight by at least 20 pounds. Obesity is at an all time high as America becomes the fattest nation on the face of the earth.

Most of us could stand to lose a few pounds, or at the very least start down the road to a healthier lifestyle. We have become a nation dependent on fast food chains and quick-fix pre-packaged foods in order to accommodate our busy lifestyles.

If you've found yourself with a couple of spare tires around your mid-section, you probably know you should go on a diet. But you dread doing that because you don't want to have those hunger pains that you think inevitably come with diets and weight loss.

Some people think that eating salads every day is the only way to lose weight. Well, it’s a good start, but, really, how long do you think it will take before you fall off this diet.  Let's face it; you’re not a rabbit, so why eat like one.

I've been through the gamut of fad diets, those fat burning pills that promise to take off 20 pounds in just 3 days.... you name it, I've done it when it comes to weight loss. The problem was that nothing worked - none of it, until now.

Mangosteen helps to ramp-up your metabolism, turning you into a fat-burning machine. Combined with exercise and a proper diet plan you'll watch the pounds melt off.

And guys, it's great for 'cutting up': who doesn't want a six-pac?
It's time to start getting noticed, let Mangosteen supplements help you get there.

Click here for the testimonials
Heart disease is one of those illnesses they call a 'silent killer'. That's because there's usually no indication that anything is wrong until you have a heart attack! Heart disease has a strong genetic component and even healthy gym-goers and runners are at risk. The antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of Mangosteen help keep your arteries free of plaque and structurally intact on a near microscopic level. Your heart is your most important muscle: you owe it to yourself to keep it healthy.


It's been suggested that we age via oxidation: that means you can blame those wrinkles and grey hair on all that oxygen you've been breathing in!

Of course, you need oxygen to live but ironically the by-product of using up that oxygen can seriously damage your body. The less oxidation that occurs the less damage to you incur. Mangosteen is full of helpful antioxidants such as catechins (the antioxidant found in green tea) which have been proven to be even more effect at fighting free-radicals than even vitamin A or E. Start using Mangosteen today to look younger tomorrow.


Chron's is a disease marked by intestinal inflammation. Take away the inflammation and relief will follow. Mangosteen's powerful xanthones work to do just that, providing relief from this chronic disease. The less inflammation you have in your GI tract the easier it is for your body to heal and repair itself. Imagine being free to eat what you want when you want.

Do you dream of saying good-bye to restrictive diets?
Mangosteen is your ticket to getting there.


Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is another one of those 'silent killers'. Even though it has been shown to be largely genetic, you can take steps to protect yourself from its harmful effects.

is a condition in which plaque forms on your arteries, narrowing them and restricting blood flow. Xanthones work to counteract those plaque deposits thus negating some of the harmful effects of high blood pressure while at the same time reducing the low-level inflammation that created the high blood-pressure in the first place. Talk about an all-in-one supplement!


Irregular bowl movements, bloating and/or cramping?

None of that feels very good. Help to improve your digestion with Mangosteen supplements. Since our supplements are made from the rind of the fruit (where all the nutrients are) they are also bursting with fibre which improves regularity and helps to increase the amount of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) that your body produces. As we age, our body has a tendency to produce less stomach acid which leads to cramping and bloating.

Why not get your stomach back on track with our supplements?


Incontinence happens in both men and women but for different reasons. In men, the prostate can enlarge (benign hypertrophy) resulting in irregular urination and in women decrease in muscle tone causes muscles that control the bladder to become weak. Both of these conditions result in urine being 'left behind' so to speak which can lead to bladder infections. Although urine is itself a sterile fluid there's nothing stopping bacteria from using it as a breeding ground. Mangosteen has natural antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that will help to keep your bladder infection free and much more comfortable.

If you've ever had a mouth sore (also known as canker sores or mouth ulcers) you know they can be a painful experience! The antibacterial compounds in Mangosteen help to kill these sores. You only get one set of teeth and remember that the leading cause of tooth loss is
gum disease. Combining your regular brushing and flossing routine with our supplements will help make sure you have healthy, squeaky-clean teeth and gums for years to come.

Click here for the testimonials
Asthma is another one of those unfortunate diseases that seems to have a strong genetic component. Anyone can suffer from
asthma and it ranges from mild to life threatening. The only 'solution' available to you at the doctors is the use of harmful corticosteriods and although there are many asthma medications on the market they are all just steroid variants with side effects ranging from oral and throat infections to weigh gain and lethargy.

The xanthones in Mangosteen offer another option in treating
asthma. These powerful anti-inflammatories help to control the restrictive lung inflammation that creates asthma symptoms. If you're looking for an alternative treatment for your condition, try our Mangosteen supplements.

Click here for the testimonials
Once called “America's epidemic”, this disease is characterized by a reduced sensitivity to insulin. While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be managed by lifestyle changes such as attention to diet and exercise. Chronic inflammation is one of the often overlooked aggravators when it comes to diabetes. The xanthones in Mangosteen can help via reducing low-level inflammation in the body thus reducing or eliminating your dependancy on anti-diabetic drugs

Click here for the testimonials
Are You Not Able To Sit Down, Concentrate, and Remember Like You Used To?

Are You Getting Irritated For Not Remembering and Completing Work Assignments On Time?

Do You Often Forget Important Facts, Figures, Dates, People and Places?

Do You Have A Hard Time Passing Your Exams Or Remembering Your Speeches?

If You Answered "Yes" To Any Of The Above Questions, Then I Have Good News For You

In today's busy and competitive world wouldn't we all like to be at the top of our game?

Mangosteen supplements can help you get there. The powerful xanthones reduce oxidative damage everywhere in the body
including the brain!

Damage caused by oxidation is thought to be one of the leading cause of Parkinson's and dementia in the elderly. Protect yourself by taking a dose of the antioxidants found in Mangosteen.
In addition to that, Mangosteen will increase your energy and vitality so you're be sharp as a tack all day long!

Click here for the testimonials
As we speak, Mangosteen is being studied for its ability to inhibit certain forms of cancer. In general there are two modalities when it comes to treating
cancer. The western view is to use poison to 'kill' the tumour cells (well actually all fast-growing cells in the body). This is accomplished by using chemicals that do a very high amount of oxidative damage & as such if you're on chemotherapy it is advised that you don't use Mangosteen products as the anti-oxidants would combat chemo's effects.

The second modality is that of Eastern medicine which advocates flooding the body with antioxidants in the hope of providing it with enough support to kill the tumour on its own.
cancer is a deadly and tricky disease; do your research thoroughly and choose your supplements (if any) wisely.


Not Able To Lead A Happy Life Because Of Excessive Allergies?

Want To Badly Get Rid Of Your Allergy Problems, But Are Super Confused And Not Sure Where To Even Start?

You may be one of the masses who don’t even realize that you have allergies!

Did You Know: There are about 17 out of every 100 Americans that are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

If you've been trying to figure out if your sneezing, wheezing and scratchy eyes are more than just a cold, you are in the right place!

Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the body's immune system to what it considers 'foreign invaders'. Your immune system's common reaction is to create an inflammatory response to try and flush out the offensive party. This same sort of reaction happens when your eyes well up from cutting onions. The hallmark of an allergy though, is that the thing that causes the reaction isn't bad for you at all! (think pollen, dust or food allergies).

Mangosteen is a natural anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat your allergies without the harmful effects of those over the counter allergy medications. Wouldn't it be great to be free of allergies without the drowsy effects of artificial medications?

Now you can with our allergy-fighting Mangosteen supplements.


Bacterial infections are easily conquered with Mangosteen supplements. That's because xanthones are naturally antibacterial. Bacteria can often times be hard to kill as they have a trick up there sleeve called lateral gene transfer whereby any bacteria can incorporate genetic information from any other bacteria without being its offspring. This means that if even a single bacterium survives a course of antibiotics or a barrage from your immune system it can transfer the relevant 'survival' part of its genome to any other bacteria that it comes in contact with.

Sound scary?
It doesn't have to be.

Taking Mangosteen supplements everyday will help to control any bacterial outbreaks you may encounter and will make sure that your immune system is in peak condition so you stay healthy and strong.

Click here for the testimonials
Is Depression Ruining Your Life?

Are You Losing The Enthusiasm You Once Exuded?

Have You Completely Forgotten The Meaning Of Happiness?

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in America. It has been reported that about 9.5 million Americans suffer from some depression almost every six months.

Just tune in to your evening news and you will see the results of depression.   Parents and family members who didn't have a suspicion that their loved one suffered from depression, therefore they missed the tell-tale early signs of detection.

This appears to be true of our youth.  It seems like not a day goes by that we don't learn of another teen or even pre-teen, commit a violent act that stemmed from a state of severe depression.

How is a parent to know?  And if you ARE fortunate to detect the depression, what is your next step?  This is extremely important when it comes to our children.

Because some of the symptoms are so illusive, they can be easily overlooked in our busy day-to-day activities.  We may push the thoughts to the back of our minds and decide to have that discussion tomorrow.  Sadly, sometimes tomorrow just does not come.

Anyone Can Have It!

Depression has no boundaries.  Rich, poor, fat, thin, young or old depression does not discriminate!

One of the common symptoms that depressed people have is a lack of energy and a feeling of lethargy. Mangosteen can help combat depression in a number of ways.

First off, Mangosteen gives you energy so you're more apt to get up off the couch and go exercise. Exercise creates endorphins and endorphins are what make you feel amazing after a good session at the gym. They're also responsible for the famous 'runners high' that many endurance athletes feel.

Secondly, mangosteen helps to increase the production of tryptophan which is a precursor for serotonin (which effects our mood and sleep patterns) as well as niacin (which is a key vitamin for vitality and nutrient absorption).

Take your Mangosteen and start feeling better today.

Click here for the testimonials
Have You Ever Wondered What It Might Be Like To Find The Long Lost Fountain Of Youth?

Well there's no way you can stop the aging process, however there’s no reason why you can’t fight it!

Why go through the expensive and very torturous skin care regimes that are supposed to leave you with a new, younger looking top layer of skin and a refreshing experience. 

Were talking about chemical skin peels. . .wow that sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie)! Then there's dermabrasion. . . yikes, did they dig that one up along with a mummy? 

And like they say no pain, no gain so lets not forget: Botox, Collagen injections, laser procedures, facelifts and even liposuction. 

If this sounds like you, we have a solution to your problem.  Say Good-Bye To Your Skin Conditions with our Natural Home Cures Mangosteen!

Mangosteen's antibacterial and antimicrobial properties can be just effective as those doctor prescribed creams when applied topically. As an added benefit, when taken internally mangosteen boosts the immune system which means your body can more easily fight off
acne causing bacteria or any fungus. In addition to all that, the anti-inflammatory properties of Mangosteen help to ease the discomfort of eczema (which is largely an inflammation related condition).


Your eyes are precious. Human beings are wired to get most of their information about the world around them from visual stimulus, so make sure you protect your vision!

Cataracts and glaucoma
are two diseases that can be brought on my excess exposure to harmful UV rays. Always wear eye-protection (even in the winter!). Also, make sure you take Mangosteen supplements for their antioxidant properties which can help prevent and/or reduce the effects of these two very damaging diseases.


Are You Horrified About Your High Cholesterol Levels?
Do You Shiver At The Very Thought Of Having Cardiac Problems?

Do You Long For Those Good Old Days, When Your Health Was Under Control?

Your visiting your doctor for your cholesterol checks up and your doctor’s eyes are wide open, and mouth hanging on the floor.  Standing there very quiet, you know your doctor did not have to say a word to know your cholesterol levels were high enough to cause some real concern. And you need to take immediate action now to reverse the situation before it becomes to late.

Out of the two types of cholesterol, HDL and LDL, there is really only one you need to worry about—LDL. HD and LD stand for high density and low density, respectively. The L is both stands for lipoprotein which is another way to classify cholesterol. LDL is is 'bad' because it's lower density means it tends to stick to things and build up. Think of it like dropping a pill onto a keyboard vs. dropping some wax. The high density pill will bounce off the keyboard and cause no harm. The lower density wax will find its way into the cracks of the keyboard and start to gum things up. The xanthones in our Mangosteen supplements prevent LDL plaques from building up; subsequently, this reduces or eliminates the harmful effects of too much LDL.


Kidney stones are a calcification disorder that can be incredibly painful and that eventually passes through the urinary tract (barring an operation to remove them). When first using Mangosteen most people notice they urinate more frequently. This can have the benefit of priming and cleaning the urinary tract which helps with both passing kidney stones and preventing infections.


Mangosteen has been shown to have antiviral properties of an indeterminate nature. This means that while it fights virus's no one is absolutely sure how this is achieved. It has been shown that when taken in high doses at the onset of a viral infection, Mangosteen can significantly shorten the period of that infection. The most probable reason for this is that Mangosteen helps to treat the whole body. It reduces inflammation, it boosts the production of certain neurotransmitter precursors and it gives you energy all while balancing your sleep patterns. All that leads to a healthier body; one that's ready to fight off viral infections. Find out today just how amazing Mangosteen can make you feel!

Natural Home Cures

Suite 632
38-11 Ditmars Blvd
Astoria  New York  USA 11105
Toll Free Order Line: 1-888-800-5582
Tel: (718) 956-0807     Fax: (419) 793-5542
(Online Since October 15, 2005.)

Please note that the Food and Drug Administration under its Disclaimer: 

"As required by the Food and Drug Administration.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

Therefore the word "Prevent" has been substituted with the word "Diminishes" to comply with the FDA Requirements.