Blood Clots Treatment
Detoxification: If you take aspirin as a daily preventive therapy, you may want to begin a gut rejuvenation program to stimulate healing and proper gastrointestinal wall functioning, in order to offset aspirin's traumatization of the gut wall when taken on a daily basis. It is a good idea to do a bowel cleanse and rejuvenation several times a year when on daily aspirin (consult your physician for guidance). Cleansing and Detoxification.

Diet: Foods that act to decrease platelet stickiness and fibrin formation include garlic, ginger, onions, and hot peppers (capsicum), all of which protect against heart attack and stroke. Use granulated garlic on food as a regular spice. Fish oils also help to reduce clotting of blood. Increase consumption of cold-water fish, at least, three times per week. Also, decrease the sugar consumption as sugar intake increases platelet stickiness.

Exercise: Studies conducted at Duke University showed that moderate exercise can help protect against heart attacks and strokes by enhancing the body's natural mechanism for dissolving blood clots. In addition, Duke researchers found that the higher risk of blood clotting in women taking oral contraceptives can be significantly reduced by exercise.

Herbs: Hawthorne berry is a very useful herb for helping to prevent blood clots.

Homeopathy: Hamamelis.

Juice Therapy: Combine the juices of garlic, carrot, parsley, spinach, celery, and beet and drink 8-12 ounces daily.

Nutritional Supplementation: Research in Japan has shown that nattokinase an enzyme derived from soy, can dissolve blood clots in as little as two hours, making it one of the most effective nutrients for preventing and reversing blood clots.

Other useful nutrients include vitamin B6, garlic capsules, niacin (vitamin B3), lipotropic factors (nutrients useful for liver metabolism of fat), omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, bromelain, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, and zinc.

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