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Ring Worm Remedy Treatment

Mix 1/4 tsp. of grapefruit seed liquid extract with 1/4 tsp. of vegetable glycerin to kill the fungus. It is applied to the skin and covered with a large adhesive bandage to prevent spreading to other areas of the body. Make a fresh batch daily. I have also had good success with garlic oil, and liquid propolis applied in this way. 

And I like to kill any fungus overgrowth internally with 1 odorless garlic tablet (4 X daily for seven days) and acidophilus tablets. No sugar whatsoever during this healing phase which hamper results to bring the fungus under control. 

Instruct the person to keep their hands away from their eyes, or else they could lose their eyelashes and eyebrows. And tell them not to touch their groin or scratch their head without first washing their hands thoroughly. 

Ringworm is highly contagious and spreads easily. Examine the general health, or suspect vitamin deficiencies, if the person continues to be susceptible to ringworm or any other fungal infection.

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